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Schrieber Boudoir Grand Piano Black


Original price was: £1,995.00.Current price is: £1,195.00.

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Schrieber Boudoir Grand Piano

We are a musical instrument company based in Mansfield, Nottingham, with over 200 pianos to choose from and we are pleased to offer our Schrieber boudoir grand piano. To view our entire piano selection please click this LINK.

This is our Schrieber boudoir grand piano made circa 1900 which is finished in a french polished black case and benefits from having original features still intact including its turned octagonal legs and ornate layer. A great example of a well built German made piano.  This piano would be suitable for any piano player from beginner to grade 8, all inspections welcomed on any of our pianos.  We usually keep a varied stock of over 35 Steinway, Bechstein and Bluthner grand pianos in our showroom so its always a worth while trip if you are in the market for a serious instrumen

Bechstein are widely regarded as one of the top 3 manufacturers in the world, known for their powerful, warm tone and incredible build quality.  Bechstein have been making pianos since the 1850’s and the company has stood the test of time and are one of the most sought after pianos in the world.  If you would like to find out more information on this Bechstein piano, or any of our other 200 pianos, please give us a call on 01623 657 301 or Google Bechstein” to find out the full company history.

If you would like to find out more about this piano or any of our other baby grand pianos please call us on 01623 657 301 to discuss.


Length: 6 foot 3 inches
Width: 4 foot 10 inches
Keyboard: 88 Note

Delivery Information:

Sherwood Phoenix can arrange piano deliveries anywhere in UK and throughout the world. Prices do vary and it is recommended to discuss the price of the delivery with one of our piano logistics team on 01623 657 301.

To view all our other grand pianos, please click HERE or give us a call to discuss your requirements over the phone.

Thanks again for visiting Sherwood Phoenix and we hope your baby grand piano hunt ends here.